Pragmatic Architecture Manifesto
We develop software architectures that are agile, efficient, and scalable. Through our experience and collaboration, we have learned to value pragmatic, flexible architectures. Therefore, we value:
- Architectural evolution over upfront precision
- We embrace the evolution of architecture over time and through iterations, rather than attempting to predict and define every component in advance. Architecture should allow for adaptation and growth.
- Practical solutions over excessive documentation
- Documentation is valuable, but “Just Enough” documentation is better. We document what is essential for collaboration and understanding, avoiding unnecessary complexity and bureaucracy.
- Scalability and simplicity over complexity
- We prioritize simple, scalable systems over complex designs that are difficult to understand and maintain. Simplicity scales, while complexity creates problems.
- Collaboration over technical perfection
- We believe that collaboration between teams and stakeholders—both technical and non-technical—leads to better architectural decisions than the pursuit of technical perfection. Communication is at the heart of pragmatic architecture.
- Concrete goals over abstract models
- We prefer architectures that directly contribute to business goals and customer value. Theory and abstract models are important, but pragmatic architecture focuses on solving today’s problems.
- Fast feedback over elaborate plans
- We create an environment where rapid feedback from users, stakeholders, and systems shapes architectural decisions. This enables us to learn quickly and adjust as necessary.
- Small iterations over grand designs
- Instead of designing everything upfront, we believe in the power of small iterations. We build incrementally, learn along the way, and adjust in line with team and organizational needs.
- Flexibility over rigid architectural rules
- Architecture must be flexible enough to adapt to changing organizations, technologies, and market demands. Rigid guidelines stifle innovation and agility.
Principles of Pragmatic Architecture:
- Start with a vision, but plan for change.
- Begin with a clear direction, but expect to adjust and learn along the way.
- Document for understanding, not completeness.
- Write architectural documentation that fosters collaboration and clarity, avoiding unnecessary details.
- Optimize for speed and sustainability.
- Aim for solutions that deliver value quickly without hindering future growth and maintenance.
- Architecture is a team responsibility.
- Don’t let a single architect make decisions in isolation; architecture is a product of team collaboration.
- Deliver value through simplicity.
- The best architecture is often the simplest one that meets functional and non-functional requirements.
Pragmatic Architecture recognizes that software architecture must balance vision, simplicity, and flexibility. It embraces the evolving needs of technology and business while focusing on delivering solutions that are lean and effective without becoming overcomplicated. The architecture must grow with the changing needs of organizations, teams, and customers.